Mood: lazy
Eating: was eating chocolate ;_; bad!
Now playing: Bjork - Unravelvia FoxyTunes----------------
FAROUT, I had chocolate today ;_; and I'm trying my best to resist it.
Only today happens to be 'high school selling chocolate fund raiser' ... Oh my gosh, and my mum gave money to us to buy some to help support them .. ARGH!!!
How am I suppose to resist ;_; ?!
So, I have unsuccessfully given up chocolate because I just did an EPIC FAIL upon myself!
I guess this all started when my Aunty said that I looked fat, and not to be mistaken with literally, but in our culture it means healthy looking .. when you're big, then yeah ...~
But no, she said and meant I looked much healthier, and I feel great to know that someone else thinks that way of my figure, but I can't help but remember the literal meaning of 'being fat'.
Yeah .. I can say I like my weight, and I do - it's just my arms and tummy I need to work out - I don't plan to lose weight! Just tone up my arms and tummy, my legs are ok .. I don't mind them really :3
The arms need dire attention though - they're huge! Like, almost 2 of my brother's one arm and that'll equal just my one arm x_x so cha~ I'm definitely wanting to sculpt that up a bit!
I just need to make sure my tummy doesn't blow up when it's not even that full >_>" seriously.
A singular 'fatty-ish' food and I'm like a ballon .. so, I need to sort of train it to stay in shape~
I got my Typo assessment done, the brochure one where it required a total designage x_x and yes, as usual, last minute and freaking out it's due the next day.
But guess what, it wasn't even due today - not until next week! And I didn't even know till I pretty much finished!!!
All good though, now that's out of the way I can concentrate on assessments that is / will be due next week - yes! I left a lot till the last minute!
*stress stress grumble mumble - breathe*
I'm tired because I'm paranoid and suddenly wake up at random times, stressing over assessments .. I'm totally gonna be 'teh Panda Eyes' :3
Oh, and let's not forget work.
Seems the absolute head cashier has gone off on her holidays already! I feel sorry for Maire, who I think is pretty much in charge since Delma left her without teaching her supervisory & absolute head cashiering.
I feel bad for cancelling the whole of next week, but seriously - I need a break!!
I'll be working the rest of this weeks shifts, then cramming assessments and stressing over trying to get them done on time, and then I will somehow make it to the Twiins b'day outing that's late at night and doesn't end to really late at night.
So much hectikness.
I barely show up online on MSN anymore .. I miss the people, I miss their talks, but on the net it's not as fun? I don't know ..
I think I might be falling back into my depressive state, because I'm always stressing with school assessments, then work because I'm paranoid they'll fire me or ask me to work and when I say I can't they'll give me less and lesser shifts to do.
Not to mention the no-social-life-status .. not that I'm social or anything, but I've hardly been out just to go out!
*exasperated sigh*
I can't wait for the holidays - hopefully school-free and less work.
I need to get going to dinner .. shower will be later, gets hot then cold then hot again - crazy Melb-like weather, ftw!
Meditation should be revisited .. it's been a looooong while since I've done any of that~