Mood: Brooding
Chewing: Wrigley's Eclipse ICE Spearmint in 55 piece pack
Hears: Little cousins talking too loudly
I haven't posted in here for much too long, and I apologise.
I've been sooooo busy with all these TAFE/college assessments that it drove me to stay awake for days trying to finish them; mostly staying up a whole night into the next then a few days later the same thing.
Been very stressful over that period, BUT now it's almost over .. well, for now I am on a 2 week break from schooling, though I do have assessments yet to finish off during the break.
At the moment, as of right now, family members are popping over and I have no idea what for.
It's happened like that before, many times really, though mostly a long time ago.
It's nice but.
And my dad is outside with the neighbours, and I think they're trying to get him to drink with them, haha, how bizzare.
I suppose I should show you what I've done so far over these non-active days here.
Not in order, but whatever comes posted here first I will explain about though.
I can't be bothered waiting 5 seconds for the images to load .. for me, and for my internet connection, that's slightly slow.
Oh! I smell meat .. and now that I notice, I remember my mum was preparing some food.
So possibly, we were already preparing for guests? Or perhaps, just coincidence -- it happens~
And I really should be in the shower, or at the very least showered, but again, I never tend to do what I need to do when I think it in my mind and think I need to go do it -- it happens, waaaaay too often.
But the kitchen is stinking, soooo .. I'll get my stuff ready for the shower so I can go when the smells die down a bit more.
I've been thinking about drawing & writing more, though I now feel like all my previous "work of art" are pretty prude and not exactly, art.
For me, I think something in my mind and it's a good idea at that time, but whenever I look back it doesn't seem so.
I've also been looking back onto some old sites I used to visit, like creating my own "website" hosting places, like freewebs and my little fun-fun site, GaiaOnline. I had initially stopped playing it but almost created a new character .. with all the new stuff they've installed but I can't use the one account to create 2 avatars, which sucks.
And before I forget, I think my pupils are finally back to normal.
They'd been dilated ever since Thursday, when I went for an eye check which resulted in my having to get my pupils enlarged so the Op-doc could see whatever was wrong with my eyesight PLUS, I will also be needing new lenses -- and my pupils were really still pretty big yesterday, and during class [since it's in the morning & very bright] I had to keep wearing my sunnies or at least cover my eyes / squint.
It looked very silly.
I will be needing to see the doctor some time soon, as my skin has been very irritable these past couple of weeks.
Just then, I had to scratch my itchy skin .. my skin condition has gotten back to it's worse state again -- boooo!
I want to move overseas some time, and I hope to move out for a while just to see how I will cope with it all.
It will be interesting, but maybe a little more stressful for me -- I don't know.
I can't wait to get the latest frankie issue; it should be published in the last week of my schooling break, and I've now become a good fan of it so I can't wait.
Also, I hope to see a new yen issue too .. it's also a very nifty magazine.
That is all, for now~