Feeling: n/a
Consuming: varied
Listening to: "37 mm" - AFI
i'm quite nearing my end of course for college/TAFE.
and completely behind :\ which is never good.
it would definitely help if I had my own A3 printer,
but they're awfully expensive, and much too large.
i'd love to be able to have more time off
but i'm afraid my parents will not allow this
thus i am to continue study, or better yet
find a proper job i may call my career
under Graphic Designer.
this only worries me as all this "study"
has gotten me entirely exhausted and rather
bored and twitchy, and other assorted things.
it would be nice to get away from it all.
i can only hope though … and perhaps pray.
wish me luck!
i'll be needing it dearly.