Now playing: Linkin Park - Numb
via FoxyTunes
I got that email submission thingy sorted .. and will be looking after the poetry section a little more properly @ Gothopia.
I had to personally message KS to get my answer - no offense L_L but that just doesn't cut it.
Oh well, no one's perfect anyway!
Will be going to the doctors today, around 5 p.m. in about, oh .. 3 years? LOOL~
I won't be getting a blood check today *phew* because you'll need to do that in the morning, since you're suppose to not eat the night before .. and yeah, would be pretty extra weak if I went and got my one done.
But about going today, in truth, I'm nervous because I'm getting my 'mental health' checked up on .. my mum and I are gonna see if I need 'therapy' of any sorts. If I went to a psychologist, I doubt I could afford it so I'll have to only go to a free-service councilor/therapist, either is fine, as long as I'll be able to learn to deal with my .. mental health issues.
So far, I'm betting they'll diagnose me with Dysthymia and anxiety disorder, possibly just the normal type, perhaps even obsessive-compulsive ..oh, and I also bet they'll see me as mildly bipolar too.
The joys.
Hmm .. TAFE is going to start back up soon, and I've yet to finish off my Typo collect-types assessment - bugger~
I got that email submission thingy sorted .. and will be looking after the poetry section a little more properly @ Gothopia.
I had to personally message KS to get my answer - no offense L_L but that just doesn't cut it.
Oh well, no one's perfect anyway!
Will be going to the doctors today, around 5 p.m. in about, oh .. 3 years? LOOL~
I won't be getting a blood check today *phew* because you'll need to do that in the morning, since you're suppose to not eat the night before .. and yeah, would be pretty extra weak if I went and got my one done.
But about going today, in truth, I'm nervous because I'm getting my 'mental health' checked up on .. my mum and I are gonna see if I need 'therapy' of any sorts. If I went to a psychologist, I doubt I could afford it so I'll have to only go to a free-service councilor/therapist, either is fine, as long as I'll be able to learn to deal with my .. mental health issues.
So far, I'm betting they'll diagnose me with Dysthymia and anxiety disorder, possibly just the normal type, perhaps even obsessive-compulsive ..oh, and I also bet they'll see me as mildly bipolar too.
The joys.
Hmm .. TAFE is going to start back up soon, and I've yet to finish off my Typo collect-types assessment - bugger~