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Sunday, 11 July 2010

in birth and passing.

dear lovelies,

it has been will be a strange sort of july.
i say this because the first thing that marks july for me is my grandpa's anniversary.
he was a stern man, my mum comments that she used to be afraid of him
but not because he would go ape-shit like mine, merely his strict look did the trick.
my mum also comments on how she wished she'd spent more time with him.
i wonder if i'll look back and think the same about mine? who knows.

then something wonderful albeit saddening happens;
i finally turn into a legalized adult and leave my adolescents behind.
finally, i turn 21 years of age.
my friends took me out in the morning to go shopping and treat me.
got to indulge in my chocolate-sin, yum!
- cue work transition -
later in the evening, a nice pizza-filled dinner with family and friends.
nothing big though mind you, just a nice small gathering of good people
which makes me both happy and sad.

not too long after, from here and there I found out one of my work-mate's has passed.
she was younger than i was, had so much more going for her.
although i didn't get the chance to really hang out with her, i am beyond privileged
to have been in her life, how ever minute.
i was suppose to get more of that chocolate powder mix she recommended,
but there was none on the shelves anymore.

i have been in the process of healing myself;
from myself, for myself.
take care.

-- lidia.

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