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Wednesday, 21 February 2007

` Hamburger >,< !!

Elloz my fellow readers ~

Just thought I needed to update my journal. Why? Because I found more awesomely, funkaliciously artists on DA. That's right; funkaliciously. I own that word!!
.. *ahem* Moving along, my laptop is broked .. so now I'm using the computer, which I can only get to use once my brother is at school .. and once I wake up [I sleep in a lot :D], which only has the things my brother uses. Meaning, my files and programs && stuff aren't on here. There IS Photoshop, but it doesn't work. Not happy, Jane!! [refer to Australian ad for YellowPages]
Of all times for it to not work properly .. and I wanted to enter MellowStrawberry's contest TT^TT but without PS, my images will look horrible just scanned in.


Now that most of my ranting and raving is done, I shall conclude that I'm still not in TAFE, or College OR in any University because I'm a failure and a lazybum xP Bwahahahahaha ~
Yes, putting myself done is what I do best :D And yes, I realise I procrastinate a lot and do nothing to try to change my current lifestyle of being a nobody, because quite frankly: I can't :D Why? Because I have no freedom to do the things I need to change my current lifestyle!! Why? Because I'm restricted to stay forever bound to this house, unable to socialize with people or have fun [not that way, the clean way thanks] OR have a say in what I want for myself.
And why?!?!?!! Oh, I don't know. A certain, egotistical, mean mean mean male parent of mine.

Anyways! Thanks for reaading :)

xox Lids

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